Bathysphere Project

Aquariums are getting bigger and bigger but the small miracles of nature are frequently overlooked.

Inside our Bathysphere the 3-to-7-person crew operates all the controls and can take photographs as if on safari, finding and following the different animals.
It is a way of viewing real animals close up in a natural environment without alarming them,
A voyage in the bathysphere is a great adventure and the crew sometimes has to deal with unforeseen emergencies.

This is a working prototype, which has enabled us to test the feasability of the project. Our ambition now is to be able to create a new system (Bathysphere Project 2.0) and install it in an Acquarium or a Modern Natural History Museum.

Please note that this system...

  • NOT a virtual reality system
  • ...uses NO pre-recorded video, apart from a short 3d-animation introducing the "miniaturization process" ;-)

The inventors of this little jewel (which incorporates a large number  of ingenious solutions to more or less complex problems) are willing to study an engineered variant of the project which would make it possible to bring this unique experience to a wider public. For further information Aquariums, Theme parks or Museums may contact us at this dedicated email address (


A proposito di Explorandia

Siamo un associazione nata nel 2018 da un piccolo gruppo di persone con la passione per la tecnologia e l'ambiente.

Nasce con lo scopo di creare situazioni favorevoli per apprendere e condividere conoscenze ed esperienze.

Realizziamo cantieri e laboratori per adulti e per ragazzi: Robotica, Energie rinnovabili, programmazione di Arduino, osservazioni naturalistiche con strumentazioni ad alto contenuto tecnologico, ...